Boat Ramps of Australia
We are building what will be the biggest and most comprehensive data base about boat ramps in Australia for you, the user of boat ramps. It is one thing to know where a ramp is and it is entirely another to know how to use it. Is it affected by tide, wind, swell direction or even holiday tourists?
ONLY the locals know the answer to these questions! NOT knowing whether the ramp you use to go out boating is going to be any good because of the wind or tide when you get back at the end of the day can be challenging, frustrating and even dangerous.
This data base will be user generated and user driven. We want boaties to tell us the pros and cons of their ramps so we are asking for help from boaties all around Australia by contributing their knowledge to this site. Not only will this help newbies use your ramp, it will lessen the traffick queues and drama at boat ramps if users already know what they need to, in order to use the ramp efficiently and safely.
If you want to help please complete as much of the following form as you can. Photographs are also very handy so if you have some to share, PLEASE do! Just send it to the Boating Downunder email; We will upload the information as soon as possible. If you have that essential local knowledge about a boat ramp, you could make someone’s day on the water a great day or save some damage to boats and even death or injury to people.
If you want to find a particular boat ramp, then click on either the ‘Boat ramp by Map’ tab which will give you a map of Australia to choose from. By clicking on a location you will access the detailed report which will be downloaded to your device. Alternatively, click on the ‘Boat Ramp by State’ tab which has the reports alphabetically indexed by State.