What is Boating Downunder?
Boating Downunder is a collection of media assets created by Mark Caulfield and Shayne Thomson. It features a half hour weekly television show about boats and the fantastic Australian boating lifestyle, which is complemented by a one stop shop website and social media platforms. Boating Downunder provides entertainment and information for all people whether your interest is in engine powered boats, sail powered boats or even human powered boats.
What is the Boating Downunder T.V. show about?
This is not a dry and factual ‘how to do something’ show. People can get that from magazines or the internet. We are ‘hard wired’ to listen to stories because that’s how we have shared important information since cave man days.
Boating Downunder is going to tell stories about all types of boats and boating; like the story of the Port Phillip Sea Pilots which is Victoria’s third oldest private company formed by Sea Captain George Tobin who, after his ship was stolen by bushrangers in 1839, would row out to the square riggers and offer his services as a pilot to help guide the ships through Port Phillip’s notorious Rip, (which is described by sea pilots as being in the top 3 most dangerous seaways in the World).
We will bring our audience stories about boats from ‘real people’ with ‘real life’ stories about their experiences on the water whether they occurred four hundred years ago or only yesterday. Our audience will hear about the things that have gone wrong and the things that have gone right and they will be entertained, informed and educated by these stories.

Each week Boating Downunder will tell the story of one of these shipwrecks such as the story of the ‘Gilt Dragon’ wrecked on the West Australian coast, whose mate successfully sailed an open dingy 3000 miles to Java to get help only to be shipwrecked a second time on the rescue mission.
Listen to Fred Hughson tell the story of how, whilst shark fishing in the southern ocean, his engine ripped the transom off the back of his boat leaving him and his family swimming in shark berley and then listen to Julian Cox our resident boatbuilder as he explains how to know whether you have a rotten transom or not and what you can do about it.

Boating Destinations
80% of Australians live within 50 kilometres of the coast – and then there are those that live close to lakes and rivers. Australians live in arguably the most beautiful marine environment in the world. We’re going to show you some of the best places to go to enjoy the boating lifestyle!
Boating DownUnder is all this and so much more! The question is not
‘Why would you watch boating DownUnder?’ … it is;
‘Why wouldn’t you watch Boating DownUnder?’