Boating Equipment Reviews
The Boating DownUnder team are constantly on the lookout for new and innovative ideas in the marine world. We attend most of the major boat shows around Australia and are regularly surprised at how boating equipment is being re-invented or created from fresh ideas. We will feature the best of those ideas on the show, but we will also include information about great boating equipment here on this page.
How many anchors are lying on the bottom of the sea after having been abandoned by their owners because they got stuck and couldn’t be retrieved? Anchors and all the bits that go with it are not cheap so when we met Margaret and Peter a year ago at the Mandurah Boat Show we were seriously impressed by the ingeneous method they have created to save your anchor when it gets stuck. The Catch’N’Release is a great piece of Aussie innovation! The video says it all, check it out.
While not actually a review, here’s a short video we made about ‘Sealegs’, a great invention for getting your boat in and out of the water without getting your car wet. This is the annual Broome Sealegs Race in 2017.